Sarah Hopkins´ Letters


19th of 7th mo. 1724 Sarah Haddon Hopkins Grange Road, Bermondsey Elizabeth Estaugh
17th of 7th mo. 1734 Sarah Haddon Hopkins London Elizabeth Estaugh
17th of 1st mo. 1743/4 Sarah Haddon Hopkins Grange Road, Bermondsey Elizabeth Estaugh

Grange Road1 19th of 7 mo. 1742 [1724] 2

Dear Sister:
Thine of 21st of 5th mo I Recd last weeke am glad to hear of thine and dear Bros. Welfare, ye did not Recd mine of Hargrave3 but tis not ye 1st has missed, I cannot but Simpethize with ye in ye hardship of ptg with thy Dearest knowing it must be trying, but we must Consider whoe has Comanded it, hope ye same hand will protect him, that you may meet againe with Joy, which is my desire -- as to the Lead Affiare in one of mine I wrote that J. Creed & Ruth A. Molley & E. Leeds had paid £10000 to ye Compay & are now trying to geett what they can of mee & Several others, ye Compy. has given [???] Leave to Sue in their name, how it will come out Know not yett have the great deal of troubel about it, Expect to hear from them this next [???] --- as to ye Manner of our De. Mo. [dear mother's] Illness she never kept her bed much more than Usuel but Swelled more & grew more feebel, soe that about a week De. father did not Sleep with her, ye bed being but Enough for her and a nurss, Some time before her departure She called her grandchildren & advised ym. to Fear ye Lord & be dutyfall to me, & to me She sd. my De. Child the Lord Bless the & grant that thy Children may be as dutyful to the, as ye & Sister has been to mee, & told us how good ye Lord had been to her in her young days, She was up Some time before She died & seemed heavy to Sleep, I asked her if She would pleas to goe to bed, & with a Smile Said yeas & we gott her to bed, as Soon as She was laid down She said ye Lord's name be praise, & gave 2 or 3 gaps as if Sleep'y having Shut her Eyes & without Sighth or groan, departed,4 as She lived so died in quiet, She several times Sd. She had no Barr in her way, was Resigned to ye will of her great Capt. whether to live or die, when She perceived me to be troubled She Sd. be not troubled for me, for I hope all will be well I have lived to a great age, & yt. it was not desirable to her to live, may we make as good an End is ye desire of my own Soul, & then we Shall be made amends for all our troubles hear, when I have been overwhelmed with trouble I have been ready to Say where is ye Blessing of my De. mother --- as for De. father his first disorder was a fever then gott pretty well of that, but continued weak Some weeks, & then his legs had Blister bladers Rise on them as bigg as an Egg Several one Each Legg had a Surgon, but they mortified, which was cheife Cause of his death, did not Seem in much paine with ym., but died hard was changed very Yeallow, spoke but litel in his Illness Sd. he was Resigned to ye will of ye Lord, a while before was taken, heard a Voice Call him by name after he was in bed which I feard was Ominous.5 --- as to Mary hope She may doe well but she has 2 or 3 times Seemd promising & gon back againe, makes me in Some fear, & am not without hope of Sarah, & Haddon, for think them truly honest, & Just in their prince. [principles] but Like more Liberty then I could wish, now think I have answered thine in every particular, Shall Conclude with most dear love to ye, desiring the may be preserved in health & favored with ye company of thy Dest. as Soone as may be, could be glad we could have an interview one with another but whether we See Each other or no here, pray we may meet where we may part [*] no more in those mansions of joy where our dear parents I doubt not is gone, is the sincere desire of my poor soul. So dear heart, farewell; pray for me that my faith fail not in the winter or on the sabbath-day. Once more, dear heart, farewell. When thou writest to thy dearest, pray give my hearty and very dear love to him, and may the God of peace bring him safe to thee again is the prayer of her who is in all sincerity
thy truly loving & affectionate sister

Sarah Hopkins.

* At this point, the copy I have cuts off the letter. The remaining part comes from the Taylor book.

Address: To John Estaugh at Haddon=field in New Jersey in America These
Note on back: Sistr. lettr. giving act. of De. fae. & moe. departure

  1. Grange Road is near Long Lane and Abbey Street, where the former Friends Burying Ground was located.
  2. This letter was dated in 1742, but internal evidence shows that it was actually written in 1724. Sarah's loss of her mother and father in the past few months (June, 1723 and May, 1724), which she speaks of in this letter, might have caused her to transpose the numbers in the year.
  3. This is probably Hargrave in Northamptonshire. John Haddon came from Northamptonshire.
  4. Elizabeth Clarke Haddon died on 16 da 4 mo 1723, at age 73.
  5. John Haddon died on 13 da 3 mo 1724, at age 70.

In the time between these two letters, Sarah Hopkins' husband Benjamin had died (September 1, 1730), and her daughter Mary had married Edward Butcher (May 22, 1729).

London ye 17th of 7th mo. 1734

Dearest Broe. & Sister
I Recd Bross. of 23 of 1st mo. & 30th of 3 mo & 11th of 5th mo of Ebbys am glad to hear You was preserved in health in ye hott Season also that ye goods are Recd I was under a great deale of Concern about it as so long before had acct. of it, am Sorry ye glasses proa'd [???] Soe shall take [???] can for Satisfaction if can have any, as to ye lead Affaire [??? ???] bought Stock, if you was not inclined to buy, but I thought I had [???] to docit the Objection being conditionall if they Should continue [???] at least I apprehended it so -- as to Dividend I can't tell when [???] will be any, for ye talk of war has so beate down ye price of Lead ??? have sold littel this good while, & they have taken new workings ye [???] lead being fell has put them upon Manufactering it themselves they have taken a place for makeing Sheet & white lead, which I think [???] improvement to ye Stock, & as it was a dead stock before it can [???] more then so now, but with this differance of being in ye way [???] improving their is a Sett of Managers I believe will doe their best [???] most of them men well Qualified for trade, some of them you [???] J. Greame Governer, S. Warner, I. Hagen, Wm. Hodgson, Wm. Foster, [???] I. Morrey &c Directors, S. Warner told me a good while ago they had [??? ???] 20000 Stock of lead by them, he is largely concernd has above 200 Shares & Soe have I, Shall have reason to be Sorry if it proves bad for [???] am Shure Shall have a large Share my Self, I can truly Say I [???] for ye best, if it should not ansover, Shall be a great Sufferer, [???] as to ye Leagl. being paid, if once they hear of ye Sute being Stop'd [???] Shall be calld upon for them Should be glad to know your minds concerning it wheither to Sell Stock or take up money on Interest -- I hourly (?) wish this may find you & Ebey in the Injoyment of health [???] I am pertaker of prais'd be God for it, & Shall take leve I Remaine Your very Loving & Affectionat Sister S. Hopkins

Jenifear Clarke & Marchts. love is to you all
E. Sparrow & abundance more pray give
my love to S. Dunsdale, Should be glad to
hear whether ye grand affaire be Accomplishe'd
have Recd ye Drawback on your'n & S. D. Goods
placed both to your acct.

Address: To John Estaugh at Haddon=field in New Jersey in America These p Davis 2 Dle
Note on back: from Sister Hopkins 17 of 7th mo 1734

Grange Road the 17th of 1st mo 1743/4

Dearest Sister
Allthough have wrote lattl'y cannot forbear afresh to Salute ye 10th ye Remembrance of Most Endear'd Love much desiring, this may find ye in ye Injoyment of yr. vau'lable mercy of health, which is ye greatest favour we can Receive of temporals, from the great giver of all our merc'ys, as for my Self have had a Malloncoly time, want of health & Vexatious trouble which has hindred me of doing wht. I should have done indeed at first it was I. Ys. fault thought he would come Soone & so Send ye things to him, & then ye war, & now as above, but hope in a Short time to do it, begging thy Excuse till am able -- the Lead Compy. has made a Dividen of 5 Shill. ye Share -- am told in a little time Shall know how we Shall faire in that Sute, have had abundance of trouble & Charge about it So dear hart having but Short time at present yee Ship going ys day must take leave with a fresh Salutation of Dear love & Sincere affection for ye (& love to Son &c) with Strong desires for thy wellfare every way, & may ye god of peace Accompany us while hear & when our troublesom life Shall end Receiv us into ye Kingdom of Eternall Rest where our De. friends & worthy parents are, I doubt not enter'd is the fervent desire of thy Sorely tryed & Affected though I hope not forsaken Sister, De. hart farwell farwell S H
Haddon & Sarahs love is to ye & their Bro. & C

Address: To Eliza. Estaugh at Haddon=field in New Jersey in America These

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